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1.Wild onion – very widespread, growing in the coastal area and by the sea. Used as a substitute for young onions and leeks. It has a distinct and pleasant odor. She has an unsettled anger.
2.Wild chives-used as a spice. The leaves are harvested from spring to fall. Chopped leaves have a slight odor (resembles onions). It is often used for cheese-based spreads. It is a beautiful round and pink flower.
3.Dandelion is a versatile and well-known wild plant. The buds of the young dandelion are sour. Used as a replacement for capers. Young leaves can be used for light spring salads. The dandelion root is edible. The leaves that grow in the shade are less bitter than those that grow in the sun. They are tastier.
4.Dead Nettle-Spotted Dead Nettle grows like weeds in the fields and along the fences. These purple flowers can be eaten. They have a pleasant and sweet taste. Young spring leaves (before flowering) are healthy spring vitamin vegetables. They are rich in beta-carotene. Dead nettle is a related red dead nettle. It has a slightly unpleasant odor. If boiled it can be used for cooking.
5.Violet-many violets and their crosses do not have a strong odor. This beautiful spring flower has no special nutritional value. However, you can put the violets in the sugar and use it as a cake decoration. Raw flowers are added to salads. Violets are popular in Japan. They are cooked from their leaves (similar to spinach). Edible is raw grated root. Rooting has a different taste at all times of the year. An alcoholic beverage is made by macerating flowers in a potato brandy.
6.Fennel — it’s called sweet dill. It has a strong aroma and a sweet aroma. This wild plant has been known for ages as food, spice and medicine. It can be mixed with other green plants. Used for salads, sauces and soups. Fennel tea facilitates sleep and soothes irritated stomachs.
6 wild plants that we can use in the kitchen